Monday, November 11, 2019

The Orangutans

INTRODUCTION Do you know this animal guys? Yes, u’re alright, this cute animal has name â€Å"Orangutan†. And do you know where we can find these animal? Of course in the forest, it’s a mistake if you say it can be found at your home or in Unesa’s area! hehe.. The question I mean is â€Å"Do you know where country they can survive alive? † OK,, I think you will understand after this presentation, because in this presentation we are going to talk much about this animal and the reality how they can be threatened in nowadays. Orangutans are the only exclusively Asian genus of extant great ape. They have proportionally longer arms than the other, more terrestrial, and great apes. They are among the most intelligent primates and use a variety of sophisticated tools, they also can make sleeping nests each night from branches and foliage. So, it’s not stranger if they are often called as â€Å"the human of forest†. You know guys, Orangutans are now found only in Sumatra and Borneo, in Southeast Asia. Nowadays, the biggest threat that is faced by the habitat of orangutans is a decreasing of their habitat because the rain forest where they live is used as palm oil, mining and trees felled for timber. Orangutans have lost 80% of the habitat in less than 20 years. Indonesia is one country that has reduced the number of the world's largest tropical forest. There are no signs that show reduced rates of deforestation. About 15 years ago, there were approximately 1. million hectares of forest area that continues to cut down every year in Indonesia, and continue to grow in 2000 as many as 2 million hectare. Legal and illegal loggings have affected the depreciation amount of forest in Indonesia. The opening of the forest as oil fields in Indonesia also has resulted in millions of hectares of forest clearing, and it will happen later to all the plain forests which are not protected. As an information, we have to know that Indonesia is a ‘home' for 90 percent of the remaining species w ild orangutans that have habitat in the tropical rain forest. But the forests in Indonesia for 50 years has been much reduced because of illegal logging, land clearing for oil palm industry, paper and pulp. Consequently, these orangutans have lost their homes, and forced to scramble land with humans, that ultimately lead to conflict. And this conflict really happened in Kalimantan, it has recently been reported that there was a massive slaughter of orangutans in Kalimantan. The existence of endangered orangutans in East Kalimantan has been even more endangered. They continue to be slaughtered, as the impact of forest clearing for oil palm plantation. According to the results of a recent survey, people who live on the Indonesian side of Borneo or Kalimantan, have killed at least 750 orangutans in a year. The beginning point of orangutans slaughter is originated from a palm oil company of Malaysia that plans to plant oil palm there, they held deforestation which reached thousands hectares of forest. As a result, habitat for animals, especially orangutans in the forest habitat becomes damaged. They will lose their homes and their food sources. So that, they survived their lives by eating the buds of palm oil that has been planted. This makes the company owners furious, they decide orangutan is a pest and must be destroyed. One of witness even said that the company promised to pay anyone who managed to kill and persecute the orangutans will be paid 500 thousand to 1 million rupiahs. So, that triggers the local society to do the hunting of orangutans with various ways to get that reward. This is basically what this paper are going to talk. This paper will give a complete and detail analysis from the information above of the case of the orangutan slughter problem by giving the prediction of the negative effect that are going to be hapenned if this condition continues. This paper will also give some opinion based on the analysis,who to be responsible for this case,and what to do to recover this bad condition by giving some recommendation to the government.

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