Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Problem With Underage Drinking essays

Problem With Underage Drinking essays Underage Drinking in the United States The problem with underage drinking is that underage drinking occurs everywhere in the United States on a daily basis. Whether binge drinking takes place in a college town, by students who have not reached the magical age of twenty-one, or by high school students who are drinking and driving just to seek a thrill, everyone knows that underage drinking is an enormous problem in the United States. Despite all of the immense accomplishments achieved by the United States, statistics show that every twenty-two minutes a person is killed due to an alcohol related incident (Jones 112-115). Doctors say, Almost half of all unnatural deaths are related to alcohol. Research that was carried out by doctors suggesting that forty-four percent of deaths from causes such as suicides, falls, traffic injuries, and murder are all linked to alcohol (Jones 112-115). A human beings life is ethereal. Once a drunk driver has taken another persons life, there is no way to give it back. Whether it is a fatal accident or an incident of fatal alcohol poisoning due to a human beings carelessness, alcohol must be seen by everyone as what it is, a fatal weapon. Alcohol, consumed in large enough doses is very lethal and peoples carelessness can easily take their own lives, as well as others. To put it into perspective, research has shown that European countries, who have lowered drinking ages under twenty-one, have rates of alcohol related diseases, such as cirrhosis of the liver, similar to or higher than the citizens of the United States population. However, drinking and driving amon g youths and underage drinkers in Europe is not nearly as huge of a problem as in the United States by underage drinkers (Wagenaar 175-200). According to a study done by the Century Council, In 1996, twenty-one percent of fifteen to twenty year old drivers involved in fatal crashes had b...

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