Friday, October 4, 2019

Security Risks Associated With VoIP Implementation Research Paper

Security Risks Associated With VoIP Implementation - Research Paper Example Part 2 gives detailed descriptions of the testing or test cases. Part 3 discusses groups that will be affected by the tests. Part 4 discusses those who will be involved with testing. Part 5 discusses how results will be assessed. Part 6 gives the changes that will be made as a result of the testing. Part 7 discusses how to test the security risks in the 250K company. Chapter 4 gives the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations. Many businesses internationally have applied Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as a substitute for the traditional Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) as stated by Ransome and Rittinghouse (2005, pp. 278-302). The improvement of VoIP offers a wide range of advantages ranging from saving of cost, efficiency in staff operations to offering improved shopping encounter for customers. These benefits go a long way in enhancing a business' competence and offers market leadership and dominance. Business management may be able to expand its competitive advantage by making use of the benefits that VoIP offers while considering some risks that should be dealt with by giving remedies and avoiding them altogether. The management of these risks is in the end the onus of the company management. These risks may range from compromising of high quality delivery, controlling of expenses that are security related to call hijacking among others. It is important to appreciate here that these risks offer huge drawbacks to business performance and their mitigation is a key factor that requires a great deal of management's attention. The paper is aimed at providing management with insight into what the risks of VoIP are. 1.2 Situational analysis In business, it is the task of the management to deploy, coordinate, allocate and combine inputs or resources in such a way that the goals of the organization are achieved as effectively as possible (Wallingford, 2005, pp. 245-263). In a business these resources are categorized into information, physical, human and financial resources. The former is quickly becoming one of the most important of the resources. The information resource consists of organized or processed data. The value of the information resource can also play a role in providing a business with a significant competitive advantage. Businesses are currently operating in the information era, wherein quality of information can establish the difference between successful and unsuccessful ventures. The factors that contribute to the quality of information have consequently become increasingly important. Completeness, timeliness, relevance and accuracy are, among other things, attributes of good quality information. Good qua lity information is communicated to the appropriate users before it is regarded as useful or valuable. Communication is the manner in which information is made accessible to other users, whereas telecommunications is the digital transmission of data or information from one terminal to another in terms of function and sophistication (Wallingford, 2005, pp. 245-263). Basic ways of communication include the use of telephones and fax. According to Wallingford (2005, pp. 245-263) the machines used in communication vary, whereby more technologically advanced and newer methods of communication

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