Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Education: The Road to a Better Life :: Teaching Philosophy

Education: The Road to a Better Life Education is an institution we use to teach people what they wouldn't normally learn. Teaching has to give an educator satisfaction in making a difference in someone's life. I want to become an educator so I can teach what I never had much of an opportunity to learn in my years In school. Education is completely necessary in life, without it, life would hold less meaning and excitement. My classroom would be very relaxed. Art posters would hang on the walls, along with diagrams, maps, and sculptures. Projects would vary in accordance to my class levels and areas of concentration and, seats would be moved in according to the media we would work in. I would set up still-lifes when working in painting or drawing. When studying history, I would show the students slides of famous works and people. When painting or drawing, the seating would be surrounding the subject in a circle. When seeing slides or having lectures, seats would be more organized in rows. Bulletin boards would display student works and class assignment reminders. My classroom would be a mixture between authoritarian and non-authoritarian. I certainly do not want to scare them into listening to me, and I do not want them to fear me or hesitate in asking for my help. But, I do not want them to take advantage of me or think that they can get by with not working. Being an art teacher, I would keep my classroom visually interesting without distracting the student's attention needlessly. I would never tell a student he or she is wrong in their artwork, I would only try to help that student reach their goals in the project. Personal art is never wrong and it should only be graded on following directions and putting forth effort. In cases of discipline, I would never verbally castigate a child, that does nothing for their self-esteem. I would tell them to stay on task or else they wouldn't receive a grade for that specific project. I would try to be their friend so that they would feel comfortable telling me things that were important, but I would never lose sight in position. I would be the teacher, therefore I would be in charge of them. I would want them to feel free to tell me things that were bothering them, joke around, and be comfortable in class.

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