Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Argument Of Galileo Dialogue Summary - 1965 Words

Galileo’s Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems uses powerful logic and simply described concepts to overcome the Aristotelian bias of the populous and argue in favor of Copernicus’ heliocentric view of the universe. Copernicus theorized that the earth, along with the other planets in the sky, is in motion around the sun. The Aristotelian’s geocentric worldview, that the earth is the motionless center of the universe, was deeply ingrained into the minds of the people and the teachings of the church. Galileo’s argument had to be not only incisive and logical to have any sway, but it also had to avoid offending or denying the ancient principles of thought proposed by Aristotle. He walked this delicate line between educating the public and†¦show more content†¦In parroting the principles of Aristotle, they â€Å"do not notice how much damage they do to his reputation, how much discredit they bring him, and how much they diminish his authority inst ead of increasing it† (199). These men take Aristotle’s good name and drag it through the mud by claiming that every one of his sayings is absolute truth, rather than the best possible hypothesis he could have made with his level of technology. By undermining the arguments of his opponents in this way, Galileo frees himself up to defer to Aristotle’s logical principles without invoking quotations of his conclusions. While Galileo holds little respect for those who take Aristotle’s theories at face value, he shows no lack of respect for the great philosopher himself. Galileo applauds the fact that Aristotle’s works are examined and closely studied, and â€Å"only blame(s) submitting to him in such a way that one blindly subscribes to all his assertions and accepts them as unquestionable dictates† (200). Galileo’s arguments for heliocentrism would convince any layman of their truth, but his opponents are so set in their ways that they would be unwilling to even listen to his concepts. 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